A selection of my short stories
At Ayin Press, you can find The Case of the Rabbi’s Muse, which seeks to explore the bond between writer and reader.
Over at Exposition Review, you can find “You and I”, about what it means to “see” people, and how language helps or hinders that goal. This story won their Flash Fiction Award.
At Sledgehammer Lit, a moment of gluten-infused clarity with “Crackers.”
"Forget Me Not," a short story, is online at Sequestrum Magazine, where it was a finalist for their New Writer Award. The story also won the Wilner Short Fiction Prize from SF State.
"The Pushkin Chronicles," a short story cycle: In Jet Fuel Review.
Another story, "Little Man," inspired by David Bowie, in (em): A Review of Text and Image.
PLUS: An oldie but goodie, from McSweeney's: "This Cursed House."